The Closeout - A Bodyboarding Podcast
The Closeout is a regular broadcast where we share the stories of the minds closest to the sport, culture and community of Bodyboarding, both locally in Australia and worldwide.
Join hosts Benny Oborne, Chris Watson & Shane Britten as the Australian Bodyboarding luminaries discuss the ever shifting state of bodyboarding, plus dig in to the juicy stories and experiences of some of Bodyboarding's great personalities, all with the candid banter and down to earth appreciation for the sport that connects us.
Get ready to pull in to The Closeout, you won't regret it! 🌊
29 episodes
The Closeout Ep 29 - Ex Word Tour Judge Danny Bycroft
In Episode Twenty Nine of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to Ex-World Tour Judge and Ex-Inverted Franchiser Danny Bycroft.Our conversation with Danny includes purchasing the original Inverted Store from the O’Sullivan family, T...
Episode 28

The Closeout Ep 28 - Good Earths DARREN HOTKER
In Episode Twenty Eight of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to Vintage Bodyboard Collector and Good Earth Surf Shop Owner, Darren Hotker.Our conversation with Darren includes Pearl Jam gigs, living in remote Western Australia, B...
Episode 28

The Closeout Ep 27 - The POSITIVELY CHARGED XMAS Episode
In Episode Twenty Seven of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast our Heroes deliver the POSITIVELY CHARGED XMAS EpisodeOur conversation includes the Highs and Lows of Bodyboarding in 2024, and Preview the 2025 Calander, Including the 2025 Sh...

The Closeout Ep 26 - Pipeline Pro Invitee TOM MORRIS
In Episode Twenty Six of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to Newly Minted Pipe Invitee Tom Morris.Our conversation with Tom includes Traveling With Brad Stone, Girlfriends from Foreign Lands, Epic Local Wedges, and being invited...
Episode 26

The Closeout Ep 25 - Ex ABA Tour Manager Dylan Beach
In Episode Twenty Five of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to Ex-Australian Bodyboard Association General Manager Dylan BeachOur conversation with Dylan includes Heavy Injuries in Remote Locations, Running The ABA Tour, How to S...
Episode 25

The Closeout Ep 24 - The 'DO BETTER' Episode.
In Episode Twenty Four of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast our Heroes discuss The DK Sessions and Bodyboarding Victoria Pewl Party, give an IBC World Tour Round Up, Teza McKenna on The Voice, Damien King being a legend, The Warrnambool Big Wav...
Episode 24

The Closeout Ep 23 - Tyson Ryan
In Episode Twenty Three of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to Sunshine Coast DK Legend Tyson RyanOur conversation with Tys includes growing up with an Elite crew on the Sunshine Coast, Drop Knee Heroes, the benefits of Bailing ...
Episode 23

The Closeout Ep 22 - Steve's Place Surf Shop Owner Sam Woolston
In Episode Twenty Two of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to Sam Woolston, owner of Australia’s oldest family Surf Shop, Steve’s Place.Our conversation with Sam includes living in a remote surf community in Robe, how his father ...
Episode 22

The Closeout Ep 21 - Dave Heavyside: The rise and fall of Riptide Magazine
In Episode Twenty One of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to the former designer and owner of Riptide Magazine, Dave Heavyside.Our conversation with Heavy includes his former life as an international cricket star, his current l...
Episode 21

The Closeout Ep 20 - Joe Clarke
In Episode Twenty of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to the 2016 ABA Tour Champion Joe Clarke.Our conversation with Joe includes Competitive Drive, How to Produce a Film Section, The advantages of Peroxide Hair, Left Hand Wedge...
Episode 20

The Closeout Ep 19 - SABC with Jasper Ashmoore and Brad Halstead
In Episode Nineteen of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to two of the legends of the South Australian Bodyboard Club, Jasper Ashmoore and Brad Halstead.The conversation includes the history of bodyboarding in South Australia, He...
Episode 19

The Closeout Ep 18 - Drop Knee Sessions with Clayton Pickworth
In Episode Eighteen of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to Drop Knee Sessions creator Clayton Pickworth.The conversation includes growing up bodyboarding in Port Macquarie during its most influential era, running the PMBA, DK on...
Episode 18

The Closeout Ep 17 - 2024 Shark Island Challenge Aftermath with Luke O'Connor
In Episode Seventeen of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we have a full and comprehensive wrap up of Australia’s premiere bodyboarding event, The Shark Island Challenge.Contest Director Luke O’Connor walks us through the highs and lows,...
Episode 17

The Closeout Ep 16 - Shark Island Challenge Winner Ben Sawyer
In Episode Sixteen of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we the Winner of the 2024 Shark Island Challenge, Ben Sawyer.Ben discusses growing up in The Shire, Gath Helmets, Big Wave Surfing, and Fulfilling a Dream.Presented by
Episode 16

The Closeout Ep 15 - Former Australian Bodyboard Association Head Honcho Nick Chandler
In Episode Fifteen of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to former CEO of the Australian Bodyboard Association, Nick Chandler.We discuss Nick’s time with the ABA, Sydney Bodyboard Club, Recruiting for the Surf Industry, and the sa...
Episode 15

The Closeout Ep 14 - Return Of The Pleb - Matt Lackey
In Episode Fourteen of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we see a fan favorite Matt Lackey return, as well as guest host Michael Jennings.We discuss the new Nick Ormerod documentary “Fragor”, Gambling in Bodyboarding, Wave Pools around t...
Episode 14

The Closeout Ep 13 - Luke O'Connor, Sam Thomas, and Tom Morris
In Episode Thirteen of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast the team talk to 3 young men making an impact on our sport right now: Luke O’Connor discusses his management of the Shark Island Challenge and Riptide Podcast, Tassie Legend Sam Tho...
Episode 13

The Closeout Ep 12 - March/April 2024 News & Comp Updates
In Episode Twelve of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast the team discuss all the latest News and Comp Updates, including The Shark Island Challenge, The IBC World Tour, Box Fest, Drop Knee Sessions Vs Bodyboarding Victoria Urbn Surf Comp, as wel...
Episode 12

The Closeout Ep 11 - Steve "Spocko" Watson: The Godfather of Bodyboarding in Victoria
In Episode Eleven of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to Steve "Spocko" Watson: The Godfather of Bodyboarding in Victoria. Spocko discusses the birth of Competitive Bodyboarding in Victoria, East vs West Rivalries, and working on build...
Episode 11

The Closeout Ep 10 - FAKE WAVE NEWS!
In Episode Ten of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast the Boys discuss the Multitude of Fake Wave Offerings, State Titles Wrap Ups, Dodgy Online Deals and more. Presented by Bod...
Episode 10

The Closeout Ep 9 - We're Back!!!
In Episode Nine of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast Benny, Shane, and Watto are back for 2024!!!! The Boys discuss the Off Season, Recent Injuries, 720’s, Retirements and Returns to the IBC, and Just How SICK will the SIC be? Pres...
Episode 9

The Closeout Ep 8 - Mick Parkhill: The Rise and Fall of Bodyboarders Surf Co.
In Episode Eight of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to Mick Parkhill, co-founder of Bodyboarders Surf Co. We will be discussing the rise and fall of what was for 20 years a bodyboarding retail institution in Australia, and Mick talks ...
Episode 8

The Closeout Ep 7 - Tanner McDaniel: World Champion!!
In Episode Seven of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast our 4 heroes journey beyond the borders to unknown destinations to discuss IBC Controversies, and the Tradie Challenge. Halfway through their conversation the new King, Tanner McDaniel calls...
Episode 7

The Closeout Ep 6 - DK Legend Matt Lackey
In Episode Six of The Closeout Bodyboarding Podcast we talk to DK Legend Matt Lackey, and chat about gatekeeping the Billabong House, Fight Club, pranks in the desert, favourite images and photographers, controversial Riptide Covers, and the da...
Episode 6